Amazing HVAC Cares

We would like to give back to our community. Our goal is to find well deserving charities that could use a little help.

We would appreciate it if you took the time to nominate someone in need and share this message with your friends and family so we can support a charity in our local community.

July 2024 Nominees

Araminta reduces the threat of child sex trafficking—the buying and selling of minors for the purpose of sexual exploitation—and provides clinical and support services to individuals who have survived what the U.S. Department of Justice and United Nations define as modern slavery.Children in Maryland are exceptionally vulnerable to trafficking. Individual vulnerabilities include housing instability and homelessness, domestic violence, sexual abuse, low self-esteem, social isolation, and untreated mental health or substance abuse in the family. Children in the child welfare system, including foster care, are disproportionately at risk.
In Maryland, these factors are compounded by the state’s disparity of extreme poverty and extreme wealth, along with the increased presence of gambling facilities.

Orphan Grain Train is a 501c3 Nonprofit Christian volunteer network that shares personal and material resources with needy people in America and around the world. Grain Train volunteers gather donations of clothing, medical supplies, food, Christian literature, and other aid to meet real needs. The Orphan Grain Train movement is a loving response to Jesus Christ’s example as a servant and His love for us.
In loving response to Christ, the Servant, the Orphan Grain Train movement encourages and enables God’s people to share personal and material resources in bringing Christ’s name and character to needy people both far and near. Sometimes that character expresses itself as a word well spoken, sometimes as a bandage well applied, and sometimes as a child well fed.

Vote For July Charity

Congrats to our Winners!

Congrats to our Winners!

Nominate a Deserving Charity

Nomination Guidelines

Charities MUST be a 501(c)(3) non-profit OR an organization that is able to collect tax-deductible donations to participate. Winning charities will also be required to sign a photo release form. When thinking about nominations, we encourage you to consider the following factors:

*Provide as much detail as possible about your nominee in order to help Amazing HVAC select the best possible candidates*
Winners will be notified on or around the 1st of the following month.